
eDiets Meal Delivery Plan - 1 FREE Week!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010



for everyone

TO LOSE WEIGHT, your body must WORK RIGHT.
It's just like a car.  Would you put Kool-Aid in your gas tank and expect your car to run?   No. 
Your body is the same way.  If you are continually puttting in foods that have a nutritional value equal to Kool-Aid, how will your body work right?
In Lesson 1, we learned about a new product called Shakeology, which contains over 70 ingredients that we do not get proper amounts of in the typical American diet.
Here is a short video about Shakeology -- "Dessert in a Glass":
A foundation of proper vitamins and nutrients will give your body the ABILITY TO LOSE WEIGHT faster as you follow your diet and exercise program.
You MUST BELIEVE ME on this; I think it's probably one of the primary reasons why my students don't lose weight as fast as they want to.
For example, the outside of the fat cell needs to be permeable enough, by keeping yourself properly hydrated, to be able to "let the fat out" so that the fat can be used as energy. 
Fat is stored in your body as something called a Triglyceride (TG for short). Your body is not designed to use fat when it is stored as a TG. You must be able to take that stored form of fat and move it into the bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream this TG is free to be used as energy, hence the name Free Fatty Acid (FFA).  It's these FFA’s that you want to utilize when attempting to lose weight.
A second example is inflammation.  Most people are walking around with an extremely high level of inflammation in their cells.  The way to lower the inflammation is through taking in nutrients and exercise. 
** In a later lesson, I'll teach you why you should ALWAYS DO WEIGHTLIFTING BEFORE CARDIO in order to lose the maximum amount of fat.* *
Think of these 10 lessons as "building a house."

We wouldn't go shopping for paint and wallpaper for our house if the house wasn't even built yet! 
Last week one of my members at the Y asked about diet pills.  
**  Taking diet pills is like shopping for paint and wallpaper before building your house.  **
You will be much more successful if you will build your house the correct way:
LESSON 1:  POUR THE FOUNDATION (supplements/vitamins)

LESSON 2: CHOOSE PROPER FOODS.  (Low-fat foods that are high in fiber, nutrition, and THEN start adding up calories, fat, and protein.)
1.  I posted 34 new recipes on my recipe blog today:
http://www.timetogetfitrecipes.blogspot.com.   Look through them and create a grocery list of healthy foods to buy at the store.  If you have any questions, leave a comment at the bottom of this post. 
2.  Join DAILY BURN.  Daily Burn will help you add up all of your calories, fat, carbs, and protein for the day. GOOD NEWS --> NO MATH!   YEA!  All you have to do is type in SKIM MILK, and then click I ATE THIS, and put in the number of servings that you ate for the day.
Click here to join: http://dailyburn.com/challenges/team_beachbody_fitness_usa_team_beachbody_fitness_fanatics (IF THAT LINK WON'T CLICK, JUST TYPE IT IN)
** If you are not fond of keeping track of what you eat, here's a tip -- you won't always have to do it.  After doing it so many times, I can now calculate most things in my head without looking anything up or even reading the food labels.    I can go to a restaurant and tell you about how many calories, fat, and protein are in any of their menu items.  You will get to that point too.
IMPORTANT!   DO NOT TRY TO "DIET."  Just type in the foods you eat and the amounts.  That's it!   If you have any problem figuring out Daily Burn, I can make a short video on it.  After clicking around a bit,  I figured it out.   To put in your food for the day, after you are registered, click the NUTRITION tab at the top of the page.  DON'T FORGET food items like butter on your toast, a whole roll of Certs (100 calories! Yes, I've done that), and the Hazelnut creamer you pour in your coffee...


   --------------------- Q & A --------------------------

Why is it so hard to make good food choices?
PLANNING: It is obviously simple, yet rarely done. When you know what you will be eating and when you will be eating it, you can avoid all the mistakes that can be made when making spontaneous decisions. These spontaneous decisions are usually made when you are starving, have low blood sugar, in a stressful situation, or a combination of all these factors. I can bet the farm that when food choices are made under these conditions, they are rarely good. Get in the habit of planning what you will be eating before you go to bed at night. That way when you wake up in the morning, foods are prepared  and the plan becomes much easier to follow. This is the first step in the right direction to helping you achieve your nutrition goals.
One of the strategies I have developed over the years is to do most of my cooking for the week all in one day.  When you are home on Saturday or Sunday, start several foods cooking simultaneously.  I usually get out the crock pot and start some soup or beans or chili.  My husband always cooks at least a whole bag of frozen chicken breasts on the grill, then I put the grilled chicken in a ziploc bag in the refrigerator to be eaten through the week.  I always boil at least 6-12 eggs, sometimes more. 
I DON'T WASH THE DISHES in-between cooking different things, I just rinse the pan out and start over.  Soap isn't necessary.  The only exception to that is boiling eggs.  The eggshells can have feces/contaminants, so I ALWAYS boil the eggs LAST then pop the pan in the dishwasher right after that.  Then I'll make some kind of baked item, such as taco casserole, lasagna (not often but occasionally), chicken/broccoli casserole, a healthy bread such as banana/oatmeal/raisin bread, or black bean brownies (see recipe for that on the blog!).
I also mix a large fat-free cottage cheese, large plain yogurt, and large Dannon Light-n-Fit Vanilla yogurt in a big tupperware bowl to keep in the refrigerator.  I eat it during the week for desserts and sprinkle Kashi cereal on top.    Sometimes I put a (drained) can of pink grapefruit in the yogurt.  You can also use any berries, but pineapple doesn't work very well.
Occasionally I plan a "treat," -- last week we bought fat-free no-sugar-added vanilla "ice cream" and Diet A&W Root Beer, and we made root beer floats. It was fun.   If you buy the proper ice cream, it has hardly any more calories than a regular glass of milk.  Yes, you can have ice cream treats!
Is menopause making me fat?
It's possible, to a degree.  Make a doctor's appointment and get a full check-up.  Some doctors specialize in this area.  As a continually changing living organism, our physiology is a dynamic factor that determines how we function. So what alters our physiology, how do we make sure that it is working with us, and not against us? Good question! What you need to do is get a good understanding of how certain chemical processes function.  Hormones are tiny chemical messengers within our bodies that are responsible for almost everything that ever gets done. When you are hungry, it's a hormone telling you so. When your metabolism speeds up or slows down, again it's a hormone. How your body stores fat, uses fat, builds muscle, responds to stress, sleep cycles, love, it all comes down to those various hormones conducting your body like a well orchestrated symphony.  Besides getting hormones checked, be sure to get a full blood profile too.
BE MY BUDDY on Team Beachbody -- learn from the best of the best! The Beachbody Pros - Tony Horton, Chalene Johnson, Shaun T, Debbie Siebers! These are the people who train the top athletes and celebrities!
CLICK HERE TO BE MY BUDDY: http://teambeachbody.com/fitnessusa
Did you know REV ABS was just released? Here's the 2-minute video: 
You can also get the free training book "INSIDER SECRETS" that I gave out on January 1st to my Facebook Friends:

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