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Friday, October 19, 2007


More on Progesterone...a women's best friend

Measuring those Hormones
Often times women will tell me they had their hormones tested and were told everything was normal.  Unfortunately a one time blood or saliva sample doesn't give an accurate measurement to those hormones  due to the fact that they fluctuate so much in a month.  A more accurate picture and diagnosis can be made when several hormone samples in a month can be mapped out to determine if there are any abnormal hormonal variations.
I encourage anyone who is struggling with  hormonal issues to take anywhere from 7 to 11 saliva samples to get a clear and accurate picture. 
The Stress Connection
Low levels of progesterone is often attributed to your adrenal glands stealing your progesterone.  This is why it is recommended to first measure adrenal function and see how much stress we are truly placing on our body.  The best way to measure your adrenal function is with a saliva test that measures both cortisol and DHEA. 
Cortisol and DHEA are direct indicators to how much stress you are placing on the body.  The constant demand for cortisol will eventually exhaust the adrenal glands and disrupt the production of your progesterone, estrogen, testosterone and DHEA.  
A good 'adrenal stress panel' will include 4 cortisol measurements, 2 DHEA measurements as well as a measurement for your insulin levels.  Measuring insulin is helpful and indicative to adrenal function, because high levels of cortisol trigger increased insulin which is associated with obesity, cravings, diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. 
The healing process is more than swallowing a handful of supplements and begins by restoring normal function to the body.  If stress is throwing your body out of balance, check to see if your adrenals need support.  If they are - support them and then it will be easier to rebalancing those reproductive hormones.