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Thursday, June 6, 2013

12 Yoga Poses for Runners

12 Yoga Poses for Runners

Running is a great cardio workout, especially now that it's springtime.

Yoga can help to strengthen, stretch and lengthen our muscles to help reduce injury to the knees, hips, ankles, feet or lower back. Long distance running makes your feet work very hard. Every time your foot touches the ground it will feel the impact of three to four times of your body weight. So it's no wonder why runners are susceptible to knee and back injuries. These injuries are also caused by our bodies' overcompensation for imbalances.

In this video, I'll be showing you some yoga postures to balance and stretch you out before going for a run.

12 Yoga Postures for Runners

Downward Facing Dog
Adho Mukha Svanasana

Eka pada rajakapotasana

High Lunge
Ashva sanchalanasana

Side Plank


Seated spinal twist
Ardha matsyendrasana

Seated Forward Fold

Butterfly Seated Pose
Baddha konasana

Threading the needle
(ankle on knee, reach thru legs, lace fingers around shin and pull in)

Garland pose (Hindi Squat)

Standing Forward Bend/Fold

Reclined Hero Pose
(Hero is sitting on heels, Reclined Hero is lying back with knees in reverse jackknife)
Supta Virasana

Website - http://www.lexiyoga.com