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Thursday, June 6, 2013



Practicing yoga on a regular basis can help you look more youthful, vibrant and beautiful throughout your whole life.
Here are 7 yoga postures to stimulate blood circulation, which is essential for healthy looking skin.

COBRA POSE - Bhujangasana
The quickest and most effective way to rejuvenate your skin is to purify the blood stream by taking in extra supplies of oxygen from the air you breathe.
As you breath in cobra pose, you rid the body of toxins and revitalize and rejuvenate your skin, keeping it looking healthy and vibrant.
Cobra Pose opens up your chest and reduces tension and fatigue within the body.

CAMEL POSE - Ustrasana
Camel pose is an intense back bend.
When opening up the chest, you expand the rib cage. This increases the lung capacity, allowing you to inhale more oxygen into the body.
With the gravity pull, there is an increase of blood circulation in the head.
This means that the sensory organs are stimulated and activated, which helps with hair loss.
With this increase of blood supply to the brain, you are improving hormonal function, disturbed sleep, stress and anxiety.
Although this pose may not be easy for everyone there will be a rush of endorphins and a flush of emotions after, which makes camel pose worth it.

FISH POSE - Matsyasana
Fish Pose tones the muscles in your face and throat, thereby giving your face and throat a great stretch. This does wonders to firm and smooth your skin.
It normalizes the function of the thyroid, pituitary, pineal, and adrenal glands. This helps control the hormone function in your body; therefore leading to improved skin conditions.
It also provides extra oxygen into your lungs, which is great for people with asthma.

PLOW POSE - Halasana
Plow Pose increases blood circulation throughout your body, and provides vital nourishment to all your organs.
If you're having sleeping problems, then plow pose is the natural cure. It will help with insomnia and restless sleep.
We all know that sleeping is the cheapest way to regain your beauty.

SHOULDER STAND – Salamba Sarvangasana
Being upside down in Shoulder stand reverses the effects of gravity.
Inversions are the best way to enhance facial radiance and plump the skin and fill in sags and bags.
This pose helps increase circulation, as it sends all your blood to your brain, which brings nourishment at the deepest levels.
Therefore making you look younger.

TRIANGLE POSE - Trikonasana
Triangle Pose provides conscious equilibrium of the mind and body, while reassuring steadiness in your limbs.
It opens up your chest, lungs and heart, providing you with more oxygen, which is a wonderful way to feel refreshed and rejuvenated.
Triangle Pose increases blood flow to the head area, which helps to nourish your face, and give you a radiant glow.
Be sure to repeat this pose on both sides.

WIND RELIEVING POSE – Pavanmuktasana    (Hugging each knee to chest)
Wind Relieving Pose improves digestion and elimination, as well as stretching and healing your lower back and spine.
This pose massages your abdominal organs, releasing tension in the belly area and low back.
In addition, the compression created by hugging the knees into the body has a naturally down regulating effect on the nervous system.
This is a very relaxing pose, and helps to prevent constipation, which will benefit you by increasing your energy, vitality, and give you clearer, more youthful skin.

Website - http://www.lexiyoga.com

12 Yoga Poses for Runners

12 Yoga Poses for Runners

Running is a great cardio workout, especially now that it's springtime.

Yoga can help to strengthen, stretch and lengthen our muscles to help reduce injury to the knees, hips, ankles, feet or lower back. Long distance running makes your feet work very hard. Every time your foot touches the ground it will feel the impact of three to four times of your body weight. So it's no wonder why runners are susceptible to knee and back injuries. These injuries are also caused by our bodies' overcompensation for imbalances.

In this video, I'll be showing you some yoga postures to balance and stretch you out before going for a run.

12 Yoga Postures for Runners

Downward Facing Dog
Adho Mukha Svanasana

Eka pada rajakapotasana

High Lunge
Ashva sanchalanasana

Side Plank


Seated spinal twist
Ardha matsyendrasana

Seated Forward Fold

Butterfly Seated Pose
Baddha konasana

Threading the needle
(ankle on knee, reach thru legs, lace fingers around shin and pull in)

Garland pose (Hindi Squat)

Standing Forward Bend/Fold

Reclined Hero Pose
(Hero is sitting on heels, Reclined Hero is lying back with knees in reverse jackknife)
Supta Virasana

Website - http://www.lexiyoga.com

10 Yoga Poses for Stress

10 Yoga Poses for Stress 

Stress is something that most people deal with on a daily basis, and is the root cause of most diseases over a prolonged time frame by comprising the immune system. Everyone adapts to stress differently and has different coping skills. This is why no two people react exactly the same way to any given situation. The key to coping with stress is a balanced diet, regular exercise and yoga. Relaxation is important. Calming the nervous system is essential for the repair and healing of the physiological effects of stress.

You will need a yoga mat, a block, a strap or elastic exercise band and a blanket. These props will help support some of the poses.

Mountain Pose - Tadasana
Establishes stability with mobility, aligns natural spinal curves and supports deep breathing and improves balance. Mountain Pose is the foundation for all other yoga postures, especially the standing poses. When we align our structure in integrity, we become like a mountain -- stable and solid, yet mobile and malleable. When we stand in mountain pose, as in sitting meditation, our spine rests in its natural curves and is able to move force easily, giving the posture both grounding and lightness.

Standing Side Bend
Relieves bodily tension - Is not a traditional yoga pose, but it ought to be. Many of us do this movement intuitively when we want to unwind tension. It's a helpful pose to do before and after sitting meditation, or anytime during the day -- first thing in the morning, or on breaks from your computer desk.Stand on your mat in mountain pose.

Wall Dog Pose - Adho Mukha Svanasana
Revitalizes tired arms, relieves sore shoulders, stretches hamstrings, lengthens torso and encourages deep breathing. Like standing side bend, this is a perfect 1-minute stretch break at work, in addition to providing an excellent sitting practice. Wall dog pose is a variation of downward dog.

One-Leg King Pigeon Pose - Eka Pada Raja Kaptasana
Stretches the abductors and stretches the hip rotators. Pigeon pose is especially helpful in stretching the muscles that need to elongate in order for you to sit comfortable in a cross-legged position.

Cross-Leg Revolved Pose - Parivrtta Sukhasana
Rotates the spine, expands the chest and relieves general back discomfort.

Supported Bridge Pose - Setu Bandhasana
Alleviates neck and shoulder pain and eases headaches and nervous stress. This pose purifies the body as it calms the mind. Physically, the head-down position, combined with neck flexion, soaks the lymph glands in the neck and throat with blood.

Eagle Arms Pose - Garudasana
Stretches shoulder muscles and opens the upper back.

Revolved Belly Pose - Jathara Parivartanasana
Eases back tension and calms the nervous system. There is nothing like a gentle spinal twist to unravel tension in your back. This pose helps to soothe complaining back muscles. It also massages your internal organs.

Reclining Leg Stretch
Is an excellent pose for stretching your hips, groin, hamstrings, calves and ankles. This pose can also strengthen your legs, relieve tension in your lower back and improve the circulation in your legs.

Supported Bound-Angle Pose - Supta Baddha Konasana
Calms the nervous system, soothes the digestive system, relieves menstrual cramps, opens the inner thighs and eases mental agitation. This pose grounds "monkey mind" energy as it restores vitality. Its abdominal-opening quality focuses energy into the lower body, which opens the inner thighs.

Website - http://www.lexiyoga.com

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

3 Effective Workout Tips

Here are three tips that are part of the foundation of the New York Times best-selling book, Man 2.0: Engineering the Alpha. They work well for men, but like most things in life, by following these simple rules, the end result will look even better on a woman. Rule 1: Stick to the Basics Everyone loves to create exercises that make working out more fun. And that's fine; your workout should be enjoyable. But thinking that Bosu ball balancing acts or one-legged pliĆ© jumps while holding a kettlebell will get you fitter faster just isn't accurate. If you want results, you have to stick with what we know works. And that's classic, multi-muscle exercises like squats and deadlifts. These exercises work because they force you to use multiple muscle groups at once. And the more muscles you activate, the more fat you'll slash. These may seem like exercises for guys, but not all squats are done with a barbell loaded with lots of weight. (Although women shouldn't fear heavier weights; they don't make you bulky.) Variations of these exercises are timeless and extremely effective. Grab a pair of dumbbells and try Bulgarian split squats (Click here to see a how-to video). Your legs and butt will thank you. Rule 2: Less Cardio More women perform cardio as a means to lose weight than men. This is not a stereotype-it's reality. That's not to say men aren't equally guilty. (We spent part of an entire chapter in Engineering the Alpha busting the cardio-fat loss myth.) It's true cardio helps you burn calories… but so does eating. So that's not the issue; you want to find the most efficient ways to burn calories and more importantly fat. And you want to build a body that makes it easier for you to enjoy the foods you love, right? That's why cardio isn't the answer. Or, at least, it's not the primary solution. Cardio will burn calories, and weight training is more likely to burn fat. If you're going to do cardio, make it secondary to weight training. That means either doing cardio on separate days (if you have the time) or after a weight training workout. The best thing about lifting weights is that your body adapts to the new muscle mass you'll build, which means your metabolism will be higher, you'll burn more calories, and you'll change your hormones (like insulin) to be able to handle the foods you love. Rule 3: More Intensity I've spent enough time in the gym to know that making fitness social is a great idea. Few things are better than going to gym with friends or being part of group fitness, whether it's bootcamp, Crossfit, or Zumba. What's not okay is focusing on the social aspect more than the workout itself. Most guys go in with a "go big or go home" mentality. While this can lead to injuries, it's closer to the right mindset in terms of getting results. When you go to the gym, you want to get in and get out. Longer workouts are not better workouts. Intense workouts are what works. Your heart rate should be elevated and you should be sweating and feeling your muscles work. Completely transforming your body does not take a lot of time-but it does take a lot of effort. If you want an idea of what all out effort feels like, try this simple two-exercise sequence. It's called a countdown. It might only take 10 minutes, but it might feel like the hardest workout you've ever performed. Use this as a baseline for how hard you should be pushing to get the body you want. Countdown Workout Perform 10 reps of a kettlebell (or dumbbell) swing Without rest, do 10 reps of burpees Still without resting, do 9 reps of the swings Now do 9 reps of burpees