
eDiets Meal Delivery Plan - 1 FREE Week!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


If you have attended my classes at the gym, WELCOME!


What is your goal? Weight loss? Muscle? Flexibility?

13 years ago I changed my life with fitness. Read my Makeover Story here: http://www.videofitnesscoach.com. After being sick for 34 years, I finally became WELL. I went from obese aerobics flunkie to aerobics instructor junkie!

Now the most fun hour of my day is spent at the gym! (OK, except for the hours I am eating -- hee hee). Yes I still like to eat, and I EAT A LOT! But now I eat the right things. Yes, I still have treats, but I focus on stuffing as much healthy food in my mouth throughout the day as I can.

You'd like to eat right and lose weight, but don't know how? CLICK HERE: http://www.21daystofitness.com. You'll receive 21 daily emails that focus on creating healthy habits and eliminating bad ones.

If you have found this blog post, and you are not one of my fitness members, you are invited to join our FUN FITNESS group! If you have any comments, please leave them here or on my blog at: http://www.fitness.supersitesdirect.com.

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TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/anitastone

SUBSCRIBE ON YOU TUBE: http://www.youtube.com/videofitnesscoach

BE MY BUDDY ON BEACHBODY: http://www.teambeachbody.com/fitnessusa