
eDiets Meal Delivery Plan - 1 FREE Week!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009



for everyone
Hi Fitness Friends! Here's a helpful tip from http://www.videofitnesscoach.com
WARNING: Avoid these fatty fast foods at all costs!

Burger King - Steakhouse Burger

950 calories, 59g fat, and 55g carbs!

You may as well have an actual steak if you're going to consume this many calories! Why is this burger so insanely fatty? Well there's the 368-calorie, 29-gram-of-fat patty, mayonnaise, two slices of cheese, and a HUGE pile of fried onions... all on a massive doughy bun. NOT WORTH IT.

Carl's Jr. - The Kentucky Bourbon Six-Dollar Burger

970 calories, 49g fat, and 81g carbs!

You know that annoying ad campaign with the surgeon who thinks about bourbon all day long? Yeah, it's funny, but the idea of a medical professional (actor or not) chowing down this monster burger makes us cringe a little. A single sandwich with nearly 1,000 calories is soooo wrong. And not in that "so wrong it's right" kinda way. It's just wrong.

Jack in the Box - Mini Sirloin Burgers
748 calories, 29g fat, and 77g carbs!

For those of you wandering around singing, "Yippee-ai-ay, Mini Sirloin Burgers!" to yourself, you're not alone. But DON'T be seduced into chewing on these teeny burger-ettes. Sure, you get three of them, but they're REALLY little, so you're probably going to want fries and a soda with 'em. You're better off riding into the sunset with a Chicken Fajita Pita (328 calories and 10g fat).

Wendy's - Coffee Toffee Twisted Frosty

540 calories, 20g fat, and 83g carbs!

If the thought of adding coffee syrup to a Wendy's Frosty is enough to send you into a full-on swoon, brace yourself. And if your dreams are speckled with chocolate-covered toffee bits, prepare to pinch yourself. As good as this all sounds, it comes with a hefty price tag. This shake has more calories than the Triple Stack burger, which has three beef patties and three pieces of cheese. Fantasy OVER.

Taco Bell - Volcano Box
1,380 calories, 76g fat, and 133g carbs!

Why does this box need to exist? Does ANYONE need to eat a meal that consists of a double-beef burrito, two tacos, and a pack of Cinnamon Twists?! Do yourself a favor and stick to the Fresco Menu at The Bell, and don't consume most of your calories for the day in a single meal!

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Tuesday, July 28, 2009


By Valerie Watson

It seems like all anyone's talking about nowadays is trans fats.

What are they?
What makes them so bad for you?
If you ignore them, will they go away?

As far as that last question goes, probably not, but here's something you can do—test your trans fat IQ by answering "true" or "false" to the following statements.

True or False?

False: In the name "trans fats," the "trans" is short for "transformational." It's short for "Trans-isomer fatty acids." You might know them better as "partially hydrogenated oils." Or "thick, gicky stuff that can clog your arteries six ways from Sunday."

True: Trans fats raise LDL (bad) cholesterol levels and lower HDL (good) cholesterol levels in the bloodstream. Trans fats' relative ease of use, cheapness to produce, and long shelf life cause many companies to ignore the fact that feeding them to consumers increases the risk of heart attack and stroke, creating a pesky need for replacement consumers.

False: Trans fats can be saturated fats. Trans fats include monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats, but not saturated fats. So if you're trying to reduce the trans fats in your diet, don't worry so much about the ribs, egg yolks, or butter, but make darn sure you say no to french fries, potato chips, and pie crust made with traditionally prepared shortening or other hydrogenated fats.

True: Twentieth-century developments like hydrogenation and refrigeration contributed to the increased prevalence and popularity of trans fats. Before the 20th century, humans' dietary fats consisted mainly of butterfat, beef tallow, and lard—not a significant source of trans fat in the bunch. Still not the ideal diet if you were angling to be, say, a svelte 1920s flapper, but relatively speaking, not nearly as hazardous to one's health as trans fats, which we learn later in 20th century.

False: Trans fats are an essential dietary fat. Unlike other fats that are necessary to the human diet, trans fats have no positive nutritional qualities, plus they increase the risk of coronary heart disease and other serious health conditions to boot. So like it or not, you have no medically sanctioned reason to keep eating that donut.


By Whitney Provost

You might think that to lose weight you need to cut the fat out of your meals. After all, fat is higher in calories than protein and carbs, and low-fat diets have been very popular since the Senate Nutrition Committee first recommended them in the late 1970s. But research shows that a moderate-fat diet (with up to 35 percent of calories consumed coming from fat) will help you drop pounds permanently, feel full longer, and avoid bingeing.

The trick is to eat the right kind of fat to increase satisfaction and boost weight loss. Here's why it's important to eat fat—and we offer five of the best fat sources to add to your diet.

How eating fat will help you lose fat

In 2008, researchers at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel found that people who followed low-fat diets lost less weight than people who followed low-carb or moderate-fat diets. The low-fat group lost an average of 6.5 pounds over 2 years, but the low-carb and moderate-fat groups lost about 10 pounds. Women did especially well on the moderate-fat diet, losing an average of 13 pounds during the study.

For weight loss, fat is important for several reasons:

Fat helps your body control blood sugar and insulin spikes after eating carbohydrates. Better sugar metabolism means less fat storage.

Fat slows down digestion and aids nutrient absorption. You'll stay fuller longer and get more health benefits from the food you eat.

Essential fatty acids (such as omega-3s) may boost your metabolic rate and increase fat burning.
Fat tastes good. It also provides a "mouthfeel" that is satisfying, which can help you be happy with less food.

Eating more fat may also help you stick to your diet longer. In a study conducted by Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, participants got either 20 percent of their calories from fat or 35 percent of their calories from fat. Both groups lost weight after 6 months. But after 18 months, only 20 percent of the people in the low-fat group were still following the diet, compared with 54 percent of the people in the moderate-fat group. Likewise, the subjects in the moderate-fat group maintained their weight loss, while the low-fat group participants gained most of the weight back.

If you reach for a box of low-fat or fat-free crackers or cookies when you want to lose weight, you may actually be sabotaging your diet. Manufacturers frequently replace fat with sugar in packaged food items to make them taste better. You think you're making a good decision by eating fat-free products, but the excess sugar and refined flour can lead to fatigue, cravings, mood swings, and weight gain caused by the overproduction of insulin, the fat-storage hormone. As a snack, an apple and peanut butter or a salad with oil and vinegar dressing would be a better weight loss choice. The complex carbs and healthy fats will maintain your blood sugar levels, boost your energy, and keep you satisfied longer.

What kind of fat should you eat?

To get lean, you need to eat the right kind of fat. Avoid saturated and trans fats (which are found in red meat, full-fat dairy products, and many packaged foods), and instead choose monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Here are some of the best sources of fat to help you reach your weight goal.

Fish. Fish such as salmon, albacore tuna, herring, mackerel, and sardines contain beneficial amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. Most experts agree that eating two servings of fatty fish per week is safe for people who are worried about mercury or other toxins. (Pregnant women should consult with their doctors about consuming fish.) If you don't like fish, a quality supplement such as Core Omega-3™ will give you the benefits without the taste.

Olive oil. Heart-healthy oils such as olive, canola, and peanut are excellent sources of fat for dieters. They have also been shown to lower bad cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease. Use them sparingly when sautéing, or drizzle them over your favorite salad vegetables with a little vinegar and herbs to maximize the absorption of nutrients. Moderation is important: You really only need about a teaspoon of oil to get all its benefits. Using more will add significant calories.

Avocados. Eat a spinach and carrot salad with a little avocado, and you'll not only get a dose of good fat, but you'll also absorb more phytonutrients like lutein and beta-carotene. Scientists at Ohio State University in Columbus found that more antioxidants were absorbed when people ate a salad containing avocados than when they ate a salad without this tasty fruit. One-quarter of an avocado will add flavor with about 75 calories.

Nuts. Almonds, walnuts, pecans, and peanuts are powerhouses of good nutrition—full of antioxidants, minerals, and monounsaturated fat. The Nurses Health Study, where more than 86,000 nurses were followed for 14 years, found that those who ate nuts regularly (about an ounce per day) tended to weigh less than those who didn't. The protein, fat, and fiber make nuts more filling, which helps dieters stay on track.

There's an added psychological bonus to eating nuts: Because they're rich and satisfying, you probably won't feel like you're on a diet.

Flaxseeds. Packing a wallop of fat, protein, and fiber, flaxseeds are a delicious and healthful addition to any diet. You can grind them up and add them to oatmeal, yogurt, salads, or vegetables, or pretty much anywhere you want a nutty crunch. They're a plant source of omega-3 fatty acids, making them a good choice for vegetarians or people who don't like fish. Ground flaxseeds also have 3 grams of fiber per tablespoon that will help slow digestion and keep your blood sugar stable.

Making room for fat --

Fat might be considered a health food, but that's not a cue to overindulge. At 9 calories per gram, fat is a more concentrated energy source than protein and carbohydrates (each has 4 calories per gram). You need to be mindful of your overall caloric intake if you want to eat more fat and lose weight. But you'll probably find it a bit easier to manage your calories when you feel full and satisfied after eating the right kinds of fat.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


By Paige Waehner, About.com
Updated July 17, 2009
About.com Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by our Medical Review Board

If you've ever experienced depression, you know how frustrating and, at times, debilitating it can be. It may make you so tired you don't want to get out of bed -- or so anxious you can't calm down. Whatever your symptoms are, it can be a challenge to pull yourself out of that dark hole. Seeing your doctor should be your first step in dealing with depression, of course, but there are other tools that can help.

Exercise may be the last thing on your mind, but it's one thing that may
give you immediate relief from depression.

Exercise and Depression

Depression is so common most of us have either experienced it or know more than one person who has. Medication and therapy are common treatments, but exercise is another tool that can bring relief.

Study after study has shown that exercise can fight mind to moderate depression because it:

• Increases your sense of mastery, which helps if you don't feel in control of of your life
• Increases your energy
• Increases self-esteem
• Provides a distraction from your worries
• Improves your health and body, which can help lift your mood
• Helps you get rid of built-up stress and frustration
• Helps you sleep better, which can often be a problem when you're depressed

It may seem impossible to get moving when you feel depressed and you may wonder, why bother? One reason is that you can get some immediate relief, even if you can only manage 10 or 15 minutes of exercise. Some studies have shown that exercise can improve your mood for up to 12 hours. The question is, how can you overcome the inertia that often accompanies depression?

Keep It Simple

The problem with depression is that it drains your energy, making every task seem like a monumental effort. Part of moving past that draining fatigue is taking that first step, whether it's putting on your workout clothes or getting out the dog's leash for a walk. Keeping it simple and doable will make it easier to get started.

• Set simple goals. It doesn't take much exercise to lift your mood, so you don't have to train for a marathon. Set a goal to walk around the block. Promise yourself you'll walk around the block at least 3 times that day. The next day, do more. Try to improve just a little bit each day.
• Go easy on yourself. You might not be able to handle a lot of exercise, so try to feel good about what you can do. Whether you get out and work in the yard, take the dog for a walk or go up and down the stairs a few times, it all counts. Now is not the time to kick yourself.

• Do what you usually enjoy. When you're depressed, it's hard to enjoy anything, but think about what you normally like when you're not depressed. If yoga feels good to you, spend a few minutes going through a few simple poses. If you like fresh air, go for a walk or a bike ride. You may not enjoy it in the moment, but even a small change in your mood can make a difference.
• Make it social. Try to find a friend to walk with. Talking to people can help raise your energy and remind you that you're not alone.

• Go outside. Even a little sunshine can help boost your mood and remind you that there's a world out there. You can participate in it as much as you can handle.
• Work with your doctor. Be sure to talk to your doctor about your treatment options and your plans to exercise. He or she may be able to refer you to someone who can help you set up an exercise program.

Workouts for Depression

When it comes to managing depression, there are no right or wrong exercises. Higher intensity exercise, like jogging or aerobics, can help your body release feel-good hormones while lower intensity exercise, like yoga or Pilates, can help you relax and connect with your body.

The following workouts offer a range of ideas to choose from, whether you need something relaxing or something a little more intense:

Basic Exercise Ball Workout - This simple ball routine is a great way to get your energy flowing without overexerting yourself.
10-Minute Yoga - This simple yoga workout will leave you feeling refreshed and relaxed.
Relaxing Stretch - This workout is perfect when you feel tight and need to release some tension.
Beginner Intervals - A vigorous workout can help work off any anxiety and stress you're feeling.

Whatever you do, remember that you're not alone and that there is hope. Exercise is just one more tool to help with your moods and the sense of accomplishment can add a new dimension to your day--something you can be proud of and feel good about. For more help with depression, visit the About.com Depression Guide's informative site.

Blumenthal, James A., et al. Effects of Exercise Training on Older Patients With Major Depression. Arch Intern Med. 1999;159:2349-2356.
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Washington. The longitudinal effects of depression on physical activity. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2009 Jul-Aug;31(4):306-15. Epub 2009 May 13.
Mead GE, et al. Exercise for Depression. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2009 Jul 8;(3):CD004366.

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Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Researchers may have found a way to curb hunger, rev up energy...

-- Kevin McKeever

Researchers may have found a way to curb hunger, rev up energy.

TUESDAY, July 21 (HealthDay News) -- Reducing levels of a brain enzyme may curb appetite and boost energy, thereby helping people to control their weight, says a new study.

Prolylcarboxypeptidase (PRCP) regulates the alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH), a body chemical that reduces hunger while revving up the body's energy levels. If PRCP enzyme is blocked, alpha-MSH levels stay high and keep appetite in check.

When researchers at Yale School of Medicine in New Haven, Conn., blocked PRCP in mice, the rodents lost weight, maintained their energy levels and reduced their risk of developing type 2 diabetes, the team reported in the August issue of the Journal of Clinical Investigation.

Even after the mice ate a high-fat diet designed to simulate eating fast-food every day, the PRCP-blocked mice gained less weight than normal mice on a regular diet.

"Our research provides the first evidence that breaking down molecules in the brain that regulate metabolism is an important component of weight control," senior author Sabrina Diano, associate professor in Yale's departments of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive sciences, and neurobiology, said in a news release from the university.

"Our findings provide a possible new target for the development of drugs to control metabolic disorders such as obesity and type 2 diabetes," she added. SOURCE Yale University, news release, July 20, 2009


Last night in weightlifting class we had a lot of new people, and lots of bad form!
I got Tim Goodwin's blog post in today, very funny!!
He attached a video of the WORST DEADLIFT FORM EVER:
Click here: http://timgoodwin.eu/the-worst-deadlift-form

(It's only about 10 seconds long)

Your Video Fitness Coach,

Saturday, July 18, 2009


I found a new site called Multiply, and it works so well, I was very impressed. You can have a blog, photo page, and calendar of events. Take a look:

Sunday, July 12, 2009


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  • Step 1:
    Develop a daily calorie intake plan with the help of a dietitian or diabetes educator. Learn how to calculate your total recommended daily exchange portions from each food group when planning home meals and eating out.
  • Step 2:
    Decrease your consumption of starchy carbohydrates and refined grains. Your body converts carbohydrates to glucose for energy. Eating excessive amounts of carbohydrates can result in too much glucose in your blood stream and blood sugar readings that are higher than normal. The Mayo Clinic suggests that your daily carbohydrate intake should be between 45 and 65 percent of your total daily calories. To achieve an ideal balance, increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetable, 100% whole grains and fiber.
  • Step 3:
    Reduce or eliminate calories from refined sugar. Try low-calorie sweeteners or alternatives like stevia and agave nectar in drinks and cooked food. Although some people use honey as an alternative to sugar, it actually contains more calories and carbohydrates than sugar.
  • Step 4:
    Decrease serving sizes and eat smaller portions to reduce the number of calories that you consume daily. When eating out, be aware that most portions in restaurants are at least double the recommended serving sizes.
  • Step 5:
    Cut your daily intake of saturated fat and trans fats. Switch to skim milk and eat more lean proteins. Use solid fats like butter and margarine sparingly, replacing these saturated fats with healthier alternatives such as olive oil, canola oil and nuts. Remember that all fats are high in calories.
  • Step 6:
    Eat the same amounts of food consistently and around the same times daily. This helps keep your blood sugar levels stable. It also helps regulate your metabolism, so that your body burns calories more efficiently.
  • Step 7:
    Drink alcohol only with food. It can cause low or high blood sugar, depending on what else you consume. Remember to include the alcohol calories when measuring your daily caloric intake.

Tips & Warnings

  • Excessive amounts of carbohydrates, fat or calories increase your blood sugar. Don't skip meals. This actually makes your body work harder. Some research suggests that several smaller meals a day are better than three large meals.
  • Consult your physician or dietitian about high blood sugar readings. Over time, they can become diabetes.  There is no magic cure for high blood sugar. Avoid unproven cures and fad diets.


"WEIGHT LOSS TOP 10: The Top 10 Strategies You Must Know for Permanent and Successful Weight Loss"
Saturday, July 18th, 2-4 p.m.
Register here: http://www.videohealthcoach.com/register.html


Meal Frequency

To increase your metabolic rate, eat multiple, small meals spread throughout the entire day. Replace the three square meals a day routine with between five and seven meals. This will keep your body fueled and your energy levels high, and will keep your metabolism busy burning calories all day. You'll also prevent yourself from overeating, since you never allow your body to become too hungry.


Protein is the essential macronutrient for building muscle. When you want to build a significant amount of lean muscle mass, you should eat a minimum of 1 g of protein per pound of body weight. Therefore, a 200-lb. man would need to eat 200 g of protein every day to ensure that he is adequately fueling his muscles for growth, repair and maintenance.

Macronutrient Split

Your nutritional plan should derive its caloric totals with a split of 40 to 45 percent protein, 30 to 35 percent carbs and 20 to 30 percent fat. Protein is of the main importance so it is put directly to use in building muscle. Carbohydrates are important to maintain your energy supply, and healthy fats such as omega-3 fatty acids taken from olive oil, fish and avocado will help to keep you full and satisfied while supporting overall body health.

Total Calories

You will need to be strict with the total amount of calories that you eat. To start your plan, you can keep your caloric intake the same as before on days you workout, since you will be burning off lots of calories. On days you rest, reduce your caloric intake by about 15 percent. For faster results, reduce your caloric intake every day by 10 or 20 percent. It's important to make every meal nutritious when you want muscle definition. You have to limit total calories but also maintain a huge protein supply, which sometimes is a difficult line to walk.

Water and Beverages

Water is a crucial component of a muscle definition diet. You need to drink plenty of water every day to ensure that your body is properly hydrated. This will leave you with more energy and will help to distribute the nutrients you ingest to all areas of your body. It will also speed up your digestive and metabolic processes. Beverages such as sodas, fruit juices, coffee and alcohol should be left out of your plan as much as possible.

"WEIGHT LOSS TOP 10: The Top 10 Strategies You Must Know for Permanent and Successful Weight Loss"
Saturday, July 18th, 2-4 p.m.
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Muscle Definition Diets by www.eHow.com

EAT MORE OFTEN, BURN MORE FAT (Obviously this comes with some rules...)

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Eat more often, burn more fat.
Obviously, this comes with some rules. How many times have you gone on a diet which began by starving?  Doesn't work.  (Nor do fad diets.)
Most people make a huge mistake and cut so many calories out of their diet that they put their bodies into protection or starvation mode. Your body has a natural defense mechanism that keeps you from starvation. You must EAT to avoid this. Of course you must do so while following some healthy nutritional tips!
Follow these tips for 21 days, and along the way, learn as much as you can about making good nutritional choices by reading labels on the foods you eat.
  • Determine your average caloric intake.  Add up all the calories you eat each day for 3 days and divide by 3.  Subtract 10-15%.  That will be your goal for each of the 21 days.
  • Learn what your portion sizes should be. It's not always necessary to count calories.
  • Create a reduction from your normal caloric intake by limiting breads/starches to one per meal.
  • Eat breakfast. Do not skip this meal.
  • Eat more early and less later – Breakfast and lunch should be your larger meals of the day.
  • Eat 5-6 times daily.
  • Eat every 2-3 hours.
  • Do not eat within 2 hours before bedtime.
  • Do not eat carbohydrates alone.
  • Balance is the key – Not too much protein, fat or carbohydrates.
  • Eat high quality lean proteins at every meal- fish, lean poultry and very lean red meats.
  • Eat high-quality carbs – 100% Whole Grains
  • Drink plenty of water – Green Tea and low or no calorie fluids.
  • Keep sugar to a minimum – Use Splenda or Stevia as a sugar alternative.
  • Keep sodium in check – Do not add extra salt to your meals. Eat foods from the most natural state possible – processed foods tend to have lots of preservatives, sugar, salt, fat, and those things that make you gain weight.


With video games, TV, computers, fast food, and the internet, children are facing a health crisis.
Children are less healthy than they used to be in times past. Diabetes –- thought to be a mainly adult disease in the past — has been on the rise among children.  An obese child usually translates into an obese adult, which can lead to all sorts of health problems, such as high blood pressure and an increased chance of suffering from a heart attack or stroke.
With this in mind, here is a TOP 10 list of nutritional tips and healthy eating guidelines for children:
  1. Set a good example and keep your child active. Children learn by example, and if their parent is healthy and active, chances are they are too. Make activity fun for your child, and enroll them in as many sporting activities as you can.
  2. Make sure your child eats breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and a necessity for a balanced healthy diet. It will give them the fuel they need throughout the day. Make sure you guide them towards making healthy breakfast choices, such as oatmeal and whole grain cereals.
  3. Keep your child hydrated, especially if it's very hot outside or they're engaged in a sporting activity.
  4. Make sure your child gets enough protein and carbohydrates in their diet. Foods that are good sources of protein and carbohydrates include fish, poultry, meat, cheese, milk, and beans.
  5. Provide healthy nutritious snack foods after exercising. Instead of handing them a chocolate bar, hand them fruit instead.
  6. Provide variety in their diet. If your child is eating the same things day after day, chances are that they're missing out on some nutritional building blocks. Besides that, they will get bored with their diet. Instead, have them help you choose a variety of meals that are healthy for the entire family. 
  7. Work with a dietitian or a nutritionist. They can help a great deal when it comes to healthy meal planning for you and your growing children.
  8. Try to make home-cooked meals as opposed to eating out. Fast food is generally not a good way to instill good eating habits in your child. Budget burgers aren't healthy.  You will save more money eating at home.
  9. Throw out the soda and limit the juices. Soda is jam-packed with calories and juices are typically full of sugars. Instead, give them water and iced tea. 
  10. Teach your child about proper portion sizes. Most people eat way too much food at each meal, which contributes to weight gain in both adults and children.
Proper nutrition and a healthy diet is important for both children and adults. Together you can make your house a healthier environment, where everyone can reap the benefits.
Don't let poor nutrition and lack of activity ruin your child's health. Make a difference that will last a lifetime.


"WEIGHT LOSS TOP 10: The Top 10 Strategies You Must Know for Permanent and Successful Weight Loss"

Saturday, July 18th, 2-4 p.m.

Register here: http://www.videohealthcoach.com/register.html