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Saturday, January 30, 2010



Blog EntryBeachbody's Got Brazil! Brazil Butt Lift!Jan 28, '10 1:49 AM
for everyone

Beachbody's Got Brazil!

New Product: Brazil Butt Lift

Q&A with Creator of Brazil Butt Lift: Leandro Carvalho

By Steve Edwards, Beachbody DOR

Leandro CarvalhoBeachbody® Director of Results Steve Edwards sat down with the creator of Brazil Butt Lift "Leandro Carvalho "to talk history, the myth, the name, and training. Here's what the "Brazilian Butt Master" had to say about the latest Beachbody health and fitness program:
Q: How did it all begin?
A: "Five years ago I met Alessandra Ambrosio, the number-one Victoria's Secret model, at a party. She didn't like her trainer because she was putting on more muscle than she wanted. She only wanted to work on her waistline, her butt, and the inside and outside of her legs. I knew that by combining dance, Capoeira, and what I had learned as a trainer I could get her the results she wanted. As soon as I did, she began telling the other models, and things escalated from there."
Q: There are many critics who call "Spot Training" a myth. What's the secret?
A: "Those people haven't been to Brazil. We (Brazilians) love to dance and celebrate. In fact, we celebrate just about everything with dance "not just special occasions. We dance at church, we dance at sundown, we just dance constantly, which works the legs, the abs, and the butt. This is why our beaches are so famous. Everyone looks great from dancing, both men and women.
"And you can translate this into specific training. Of course, squats and lunges (the standard leg exercises) are great, but if you do too much, you also bulk the legs, which is especially true when you start adding weight. I had to work the butt without bulking the legs, so I combined squats and lunges with Afro-Brazilian dance. That's the 'secret.'"
Q: What's the name "Brazil Butt Lift" all about?
A: "After my success with Alessandra, I needed something to call it because all the clubs in New York wanted these workouts. I was watching Extreme Makeover. There was a doctor on who was doing some sort of cosmetic surgery that he called a Brazilian butt lift. I though this was a great name for my class. Equinox loved it and signed me to an exclusive deal to teach for them. They gave me a lot of press "TV, magazines, everywhere. My classes have been packed ever since."
Q: How do you differentiate your training from similar programs?
A: "Most trainers focus on the large muscles, like the gluteus maximus. But the glutes are three different muscles: maximus, medius, and minimus. You need to train them all. Not only that, but you need to hit them from various angles to strengthen the head of each muscle. In total, we're looking at 12 different angles you should hit in order to create a round butt."
Q: Is Brazil Butt Lift only for women?
A: "Even though it was created for women, it's important to say it's for men as well. I'm worried that men won't want to do it, but it works very well for them. Back in Brazil, I used to train police and firefighters, and we did a lot of the same movements."
Q: Which male celebrities have you personally trained using the Brazil Butt Lift method?
A: "Well, Trudy [Styler] had hired me, and I had no idea I was teaching anyone else. All these other people just showed up, including Sting (Styler's husband), Tom Hanks, [John] McEnroe, and others. We all trained on the beach. McEnroe was pretty conservative. The actors, guys like Hanks, were more willing to dive into the dance moves because they're more used to being outside their comfort zone. That seems to be the same thing with my classes. Guys are more reserved about taking any exercise class, but when they do show up, they love it."
Next time, we'll dig deeper into Carvalho's background; Brazil Butt Lift's science and nutrition; and what it's like to juggle teaching sold-out classes, filming a workout video, and training 26 supermodels.

Baby Got Brazil, Part II

Part II

Q&A with Brazil Butt Lift Creator, Leandro Carvalho

In Part II of the series, Beachbody® Director of Results Steve Edwards sat down with the creator of Brazil Butt Liftâ€"Leandro Carvalho "to talk history, the myth, the name, and training.

Here's what the "Brazilian Butt Master" had to say about the latest Beachbody health and fitness program!

Q: How did you get into fitness instruction?
A: At first, I was teaching jazz and tap dance. As I learned more, I moved into aerobics. While I was working on my master's degree (in Recreation), I started to teach children. Some of these kids' parents worked for Petrobras, a large oil company. Word got out and they (Petrobras) hired me to create fitness programs for their employees. Petrobras is physically enormous, and they have these giant campuses. There, I opened 10 gyms and not only taught their employees, but trained both the police and the firefighters. [Petrobras employs its own police and fire departments.]

Q: When did you realize your first big break?
A: This (Peterobras) job paid very well, so I was pretty set up in Brazil. Then, I got an offer to come to New York and dance with Merce Cunningham. This, more than anything, was my dream! So, I saved as much money as I could for a year and moved to New York "not knowing one word of English.

Q: First impressions?
A: When I landed in New York, I spoke almost no English, and I didn't know a soul. After wandering around the docks like someone in an immigration movie, I finally found an old lady who brought me to the school where I was going to dance. That's how it started for me in the States.
From the time I arrived in New York, my life has been filled with angels "both literally and figuratively.

Q: How did you get over the initial shock of being in a new country?
A: After eight months in America, I was accepted to a new program in recreation therapy at New York University (NYU). Since I had the money to pay for their fledgling program, they happily accepted me, even though I had very bad English.
NYU let me work 20 hours at the gym, so I could maintain my student visa. To log my hours, I would teach any class you can imagine. Step (aerobics), water (aerobics), Latin dance, rollerblading, kayaking in the Hudson Riverâ€"anything they could think of. I also began teaching for the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT). All the work allowed me to get a green card.

Q: When did you start training celebrities?
A: Things seemed to be going my way, so I decided not to go back to Brazil. I applied to every gym in New York, and, right then, the "Latin explosion" hit. I was really getting lucky! So, I started teaching a class called Brazilian Groove, and, pretty soon, all the gyms wanted to hire me. That's when Equinox [one of New York's leading gyms] paid me to stop teaching elsewhere, and I met Allesandra. Things have since been getting busier and busier!
Now, by word of mouth, I'm training all sorts of actors and models (Blake Lively, Gabriel Garcia Bernal, and 26 supermodels), doing my classes, and still keeping my old clients. I do like to go back to Brazil whenever I can.

Q: What's the "secret" science behind Brazil Butt Lift?
Gyms are very popular in Brazil, but they are very different from the gyms in America. The big Brazilian secret is ankle weights. In Brazil, no ankle weights means no gym. Here, it's hard to find them at all. In January, I'll finally start teaching ankle weight classes. There's still a big resistance, but it's changing as more Americans want to look like Brazilians.
In Brazil Butt Lift, we use some Brazilian diet techniques, too. Things like lemon and ginger. We use lemon to neutralize acids. Acids create a layer around the fat cells, so they won't shrink. Fat cells don't disappear; they shrink. Lemon is alkaline. Having shots of straight lemon, or even lemon in water, helps to neutralize the acids around the cells so they can shrink like they should. And ginger is a natural antibiotic. People who are resistant to weight loss tend to have too much inflammation. So when we start a diet program, two cups a day of ginger tea is a must!

Q: How is Brazil Butt Lift going to change the way we work out?
A: It's busy! In Brazil, everybody dances. We dance all the time in celebration of everything. All week long, we dance "not just on special occasions, but for any occasion. With Brazil Butt Lift, you get a true glimpse and feel for Brazilian culture.
Everybody wants to be sexy, and, in Brazil, it's just part of the culture. Bikinis on the beach "it's all just part of who we are as people, and what we always have been. It goes with the dancing, the vibes, and the whole lifestyle. It's all about being sexy, and that's what America wants.

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HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT MY DAILY BURN CHALLENGE? Open to anyone and goes through June 1st. Enroll now!

Click below to join: http://dailyburn.com/challenges/team_beachbody_fitness_usa_team_beachbody_fitness_fanatics We just found DAILY BURN and and we love it! What a great tool. Click the link! We need some Groupies! It is VERY easy to use. DB adds up all your calories/fat/protein/carbs for the day.

I am also teaching "21 Days to Fitness," my new web class, in February. I will be taping it Feb. 10-March 1 then putting it online. If you are on my list, you'll get a notice for it. My list: http://www.videohealthcoach.com/join.html

BE MY BUDDY on Team Beachbody -- learn from the best of the best! The Beachbody Pros - Tony Horton, Chalene Johnson, Shaun T, Debbie Siebers! These are the people who train the top athletes and celebrities! CLICK HERE TO BE MY BUDDY: http://teambeachbody.com/fitnessusa

Did you know REV ABS was just released? Here's the 2-minute video: http://www.fitness.supersitesdirect.com/category/beachbody-product-videos/

You can also get the free training book "INSIDER SECRETS" that I gave out on January 1st to my Facebook Friends: http://www.videohealthcoach.com/insidersecrets.html

Thursday, January 14, 2010

REV ABS JUST RELEASED! You're gonna love this!


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Tuesday, January 12, 2010


OK, time for a fun, meaningless post!  Have you done the Quizzes on Facebook yet?

Here are my results from 3 of them:    (so funny!)

Anita Stone's Quiz Profile
Anita took 3 quizzes:
What is the theme song of ur life???

"Circus" by Britney Spears
The All-Eyes-On-Me-In-The-Centre-Of-The-Ring type. You love, you have to be; the centre of attention! Your life is full of drama, in fact, they may be basing a soap opera on it, so your just loving the attention. At times, people believe your life is actually a fiction book playing out before their eyes. In the words of Britney Spears "All Eyes On Me In The Centre of The Ring, Just Like A Circus!" Live your life up, but don't over work it!
What does your name say about you?

"Out Of The Box"
You are very unique, creative, and you have a very interesting twist about you. You are mostly 'out there', and outgoing. You have either a ton, or just the right amount of friends. You love being creative. And different in a good, and cool way.
What's Your Mental Disorder?
Panic/Anxiety Disorder
Panic now and worry later. That is your motto. You tend to imagine the worst thing that can possibly happen, because of this you either refrain from doing most things, or you just plain out have panic attacks. Calm down. Most of the time, you are just overeacting.

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Sunday, January 10, 2010


Blog EntryREADER QUESTION FOR JANUARY Jan 10, '10 11:02 PM

for everyone

TODAY'S QUESTION is from a college student friend of ours.

He is over 6 feet tall and has played football in the past, which encouraged a hefty weight. Now that he is in college, he wants to lose some of the "bulkiness" and trim down a bit.


January 8

Hey Anita, I have gotten back to working out, running, and riding my bike. These are the easy things for me to do because i enjoy them so much. The hardest part is eating significantly less than what I eat now. I have been doing some research and found a calorie counter and i filled it out and it says that in order to lose about 1.5 to 2 pounds a week i can only consume around 3,300 calories a day being very active. Does that sound about right? And, what do I need to start eating that does not break the bank?


January 9


Probably less, but you're going to have to find your own number. I was an overweight child. Every chart I look at tells me that I can eat 1800-2000 cals a day and maintain weight. They aren't right. I've tracked it for years and if I eat that much I gain. So you have to find YOUR own number through trial and error. For the last two days I've been using DAILY BURN and I REALLY LIKE IT.

Click here and join my group, then start putting in what you eat every day.



HOWEVER, THIS TAKES A LOT OF TIME! SO I'LL GIVE YOU AN EASIER OPTION TO TRY AND SEE IF IT WORKS. I imagine it will. You must do it for at least a week or two to see.



1. First, don't buy anything that has more than 3 grams of fat per serving.

2. Second, if there's something that has 4-5 and it is a food you really like, buy it ONLY if it is something you don't eat every day (for example, twice a week is OK)

If there is a food you like that has 9-12 grams, make sure it is a MEAL, such as the Sam's Choice Chicken Alfredo Meals that are frozen and they come in 4-serving boxes (about $7 at wal-mart). Those are OK too. I mentioned those in my last video because I think they taste great and are good for you. There are about 4 different varieties of chicken meals in that brand. We didn't care for the greek one very much, it was OK, but way too many black olives. And they aren't frozen food. They have regular raw chicken that has to be cooked (I can tell you a fast way to do it). Anyway, it's not frozen food like Lean Cuisines, which you should stay away from.

If you don't lose quite a bit of weight the first week doing this, I mean at least 3 pounds, then you have to start tackling calories. Last night I was genuinely hungry before going to bed, I mean my stomach was hurting for real, but I had put in my calories for the day in DAILY BURN and was already up to 1500, can't lose weight on more than that, so I just didn't EAT any more. I drank a 25-calorie hot chocolate and took my vitamins and went to bed. I didn't like it but I did it. I have eaten my share over Thanksgiving and Christmas, so I know it didn't hurt me!

It might take you 30 minutes on the DAILY BURN site to figure out how to put in everything, but it isn't too hard. If you don't have 30 mins, call me anytime after 9 pm and I will walk you thru it and it will take 10 minutes.

Unfortunately I have to deal with my weight every day. I ALWAYS want to eat more than I can have. But I have learned that I can just about eat as much as I want as long as I buy/eat the right choices. I do eat salads until they are coming out of my ears! But they are healthy and combat cancer so that's OK.

Summary: I'd do fat first, keep it between 30-60 grams a day. Much easier to count and keep track of--you can almost do that in your head as the day goes by.

Then if the weight doesn't come off, calories.

The good thing about DAILY BURN is it keeps your protein counts too, which is what I would teach you to do next, to make sure you are getting enough per day. (about 150-200 grams)

Write back if you have any questions.


p.s. I buy BODY FORTRESS chocolate whey protein at WalMart and drink 2-3 (usually 3) scoops every morning for breakfast. Must use blender, can't shake it. Use water/ ice. If you don't like it with water, use 2 scoops and 1 cup of skim milk, some water, and ice. Pour into a 32 or 44 oz Coke cup from the gas station, put in some ice cubes, and take it in the car with you.

Option: drink half of it with 1-2 pieces of toast (100% whole wheat) and then keep the other half in your car to drink between/after your class for morning snack. Eric makes turkey bacon every morning and cooks in micro for at least 2 or 2.5 minutes, until it is almost burnt, really crispy. You can put that on your toast and eat as a sandwich. Very fast and EASY.

January 10


WOW! Thank you. This will be helpful to try and get started figuring this thing out! I move in with my roommate this week and will be doing more cooking for meals so this really helps on what to buy and what to start eating. I will let you know if I have any other questions (and I sure will have more questions). Thanks again.


DAVE Jan. 10th

Cool! I had some time to mess with that site you told me to join and I got set up. I am going to try that out and see if I can remember to keep up with it. I think it is going to help alot. I am excited to get started. I am going to try to keep on track.

DAVE Jan. 11th

Well I have been doing the program for half a day and like it already!!! I am determined to lose weight. How can i join your challenge?

ANITA Jan. 11th

If you click here it should take you right to the page and you click JOIN on the right-hand side, I think.


>>>>>It will really help you.>>>>>>

FOR EXAMPLE, I ate a mini bagel. I just typed in "bagel," chose one, and put in .5 for the serving size. You don't have to get the exact item, just pick something close. We aren't doing algebra here, just getting a calorie range....

I ate a buffet at Golden Corral, and even with a big salad, I still figured it was a bunch of calories. I typed in BUFFET and it came up with INDIAN BUFFET as 600 calories, so I said, yeah, that' s probably about right. I didn't do it yesterday so I am doing it right now for sure. If you wait until the next day you won't remember.

Calculate your fat in your head as the day goes on and try to keep a running total, because it won't do you any good if you get to the end of the day and you've eaten 100 grams of fat. Besides weight gain, that's just asking for a heart attack.

Did you buy protein powder yet? EAS is at Sam's and it is great brand too. In fact, I think EAS makes Body Fortress. If you buy those ready-to-drink protein cans you will go broke. Must get the powder.

Protein Bars: the best for the price are PURE PROTEIN, box of 6 at walmart is about $6. Don't live on those, eat only when you need food and don't have anything else available that's healthy.

You could also keep a notepad in your car and write down what you eat so you don't forget at th eend of the day.

MY DAILY BURN TOTALS>>> cals 1624.9 - fat 35.1g - carbs 184.1g - prot 157.0g

My fat is a little higher than normal because I ate breaded salmon which was 15 g fat for one piece. But I don't eat that every day, the kids like it so I buy it about once a month.

I probably ate slightly less protein than that just because I used what was on the list instead of inputting my own exact number.

All I want to know is, was I around 1200 or 1600 today? I will lose weight at 1200-1400, but not much at 1400-1600. So I am just looking for a range. THAT 200-CALORIE DIFFERENCE IS WHAT I AM LOOKING FOR.

There's a personal trainer saying that goes, "You can't out-train a bad diet."

What YOU want to know is, am I eating 4,000 calories a day? 3,000? 2500? Once you know where you are, then you will know where you need to go.


p.s. even if you miss putting in your food 2 days a week, you will still get a good idea if you can keep up with it for 5. Try not to miss more than 2 though.

DAVE Jan. 12th

Hey tomorrow I am going shopping for some healthy groceries. I have been doing pretty good about putting in the right stuff and keeping track. I am on my laptop alot for school and different things so it should not be to hard to keep track. I am starting to see that on a daily basis I probably have been eating around 3,300 calories a day. Because as I have been cutting down I have added in what I would normally eat after a meal and I have cut out that not-needed food. Hopefully by the end of this deal I will be able to send you a before and after picture. On daily burn when does the new day start?

ANITA Jan. 12th

I don't know, I guess midnight! (are you eating ice cream at 3 am?? If so, stop that... ha ha)

Today I was at Wal-Mart and was over in the meat section. I almost bought SADLER'S BBQ, which is pre-cooked and you just warm it up. I turned over the box, and AAAAAAHHHHHHHH! 15 Grams of fat! no! I went over to the LLOYD'S brand, right next to it, 3 GRAMS of fat (and it was cheaper too). I bought 3 of those and Eric/David/Mark had it for dinner tonight on 100% WHOLE WHEAT BUNS. They said it was great and they want it tomorrow night too. The package was $4 and there was some leftover (I was at work so that was for the 3 of them). Pretty good price for feeding 3, I thought. BTW, the BBQ Chicken had more fat than the beef, so I bought the beef. READ LABELS!

When you buy bread, make sure the bread says 100%. Not just "whole wheat." It has to say 100% whole wheat. That's important!

Here's your trivia question:

What healthy food can be thrown in your backpack, stay in there with your books for 3 or 4 days, won't smash, and can be eaten just fine without refrigeration at any time of day or night?

(Keep this food in your backpack at all times.)

Hint: it keeps the doctor away

Here's a grocery list to start with, I'll put them in groups as you would eat them for meals/snacks:

***NOTE TO BLOG READERS: Remember, I am writing this for a college student!***

1. Chicken breast (tenders, frozen, they cook faster than the whole chicken breasts, can even cook them in skillet), Success brown rice 4-packs in a box, green beans, salad items.

>>>>> COOK A WHOLE BAG OF CHICKEN TENDERS EVERY SATURDAY AND PUT IN REFRIGERATOR IN A GALLON ZIPLOC BAG. Can be eaten cold, on a salad, with BBQ sauce, on a sandwich, on a taco, with spaghetti, with macaroni, etc etc. <<<<<<

2. Fat free sour cream, picante sauce, baked Tostitos, corn tortillas, lettuce, fat free Kraft cheddar cheese, envelope of taco seasoning, small tomato (eat chicken on the tortillas, warm them in microwave), can of black beans (warm up in microwave)

3. Lloyd's BBQ beef, 100% whole wheat buns, lettuce, corn, salad

4. Eggs, fat free mayo, canned tuna or chicken for tuna salad or chicken salad with boiled eggs in it, 100% whole wheat bread

5. We try to stay away from lunchmeat, but you will probably have to buy it -- buy 98% fat free lunchmeats, mustard, lettuce, pickles, tomato, or fat free mayo, bread

6. Enchilada Hamburger Helper (make it with a can of chicken breast)

7. Frozen shrimp (already cooked, deveined, $5 at Wal-Mart), put them in oven on a tray, spray with fat free butter spray and sprinkle with garlic salt, cook on 400 degrees for just a few minutes, broccoli or squash, bread—toast it in oven too, with butter spray on it.

8. Chicken/Rice Soup: Chicken broth (I like the PASTE, you can find it in the soup section in a jar that has to be refrigerated after you open it), can of chicken breast, Success brown rice, celery, onion or onion flakes in the spices section.

9. Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, thin pork chops (must bake these), green beans or broccoli, salad.

10. Whole raw chicken (put in a crockpot overnight with water, salt, will be ready the next morning). DO NOT EVER PUT THE CROCKPOT IN THE REFRIGERATOR HOT. It keeps too much heat in the food and your food will develop food poisoning. Remove the chicken from the crockpot and put in a bowl then you can put it in refrigerator, even if the chicken is a little hot (don't put a tight lid on it though).

11. BEAN SOUP: Dry lentils or split peas (rinse, put in crockpot overnight with water, salt and 1/2 package of ham cubes and onion flakes). Will be ready in the morning.

12. Kashi cereal, Special K "PROTEIN" cereal, Light-n-Fit yogurt /or/ Yoplait Light FatFree, skim milk, fat free cottage cheese, fat free strawberry cream cheese, fat free Butter Spray, eggs, 70% less fat Butterball sausage or Turkey Bacon. THIS DOESN'T HAVE TO BE BREAKFAST --- these foods are fine for dinner too.

13. Fat free hot dogs, 100% whole wheat buns, great value brand hot dog sauce (this has about 1 gram of fat), fat free Kraft cheddar cheese, salad

14. Any frozen un-breaded fish, green beans, sweet potato, salad.

15. Thin spaghetti, spaghetti sauce (no more than 1 gram fat), reduced fat parmesan cheese, salad. You can get frozen white-meat ground turkey, brown it in skillet, and add to spaghetti. If that takes too much time, buy the frozen meatballs BUT DON'T EAT MORE THAN 4-5 of those in your spaghetti. They are full of fat, but convenient and so I buy them and we just eat a few. The good thing is you can pour out 4 meatballs, heat them up, and put them on top of your spaghetti and leave the rest in the freezer for later. Keep the bag closed well.

16. Sam's brand frozen chicken boxed meals (in meat section at Wal-Mart)

SNACKS: apples, oranges, bananas, grapefruit, jello pudding fat free, 3-gram-fat ice cream sandwiches, fat free sugar free vanilla ice cream (wal mart brand is GREAT), 25-calorie hot chocolate packages, 98% fat free kettle corn, baked chips (don't eat a ton of these but you can buy them), diet root beer.

That's probably more than you would need for 2 weeks!

AVOID ham, all red meats--this includes hamburger, juices (they are just sugar), cookies/cakes/brownies/LittleDebbies/donuts/pizza.

You can do that. I'm going to do my DAILY BURN totals now!


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JOURNEY TO FITNESS 2010 - 1 Web Class Per Month - ENROLL NOW!


Does FOOD comfort you? Does FOOD rule your life?


That's what I had to learn how to do. I finally learned how to tell the donuts that they were no longer in control of my life; I was!

I went from size 20 to size 6 in only 8 months. I learned the secret to taking off weight and keeping it off. I have been a size 6 for over 12 years, and now I work full time in the fitness industry.

Two years ago I taught an online class titled JOURNEY TO FITNESS. It was held every Tuesday night for 12 weeks. I found that it was difficult for everyone to devote that much time each week to learning about health, so I am going to teach the same course on a monthly basis, 1 class per month, starting in January 2010.


You have TIME for one class per month. They will be held on Thursday nights, and all of the classes will be recorded so you can listen to them later if you are busy that night. But I'd rather have you live on the line so we will have a great QUESTION AND ANSWER SESSION at the end of each call.

ENROLL in the comments box below.

SEND THIS LINK TO YOUR FRIENDS: http://timetogetfit.blogspot.com/2010/01/journey-to-fitness-2010-1-web-class-per.html




TOPIC: New Year's Resolutions

........what's a twalk? ....join twitter to become a tweep, then join my twibe and participate in my twalks! http://www.twitter.com/anitastone

WHEN? Saturday, January 16th, 12:00 Noon Central Standard Time (11 am MST, 10 am PST, 1 pm EST)

(218) 548-9255 PIN# 1567 (Alternate number if you cannot get through: 712-432-3100 Conference Code: 410968)

To join this Twalk, dial the number above or use our iPhone App. (details at http://twalk.in/twalks/details/2206)

Bring your questions! P.S. You don't have to be on Twitter to participate!



This goes from January 1st through June 1st PRIZES! PRIZES!



TWEEPS! Please RT these Events!

Here are two tweets (140 characters each, just copy/paste):

YOU'RE INVITED! Fitness Coach Q&A - Saturday Jan. 16 12:00 NOON CST - http://twalk.in/twalks/details/2206 RT @anitastone

YOU'RE INVITED! Journey to Fitness Monthly Web Class Jan. 21 9 pm CST
RT @anitastone



~ Home page and Makeover Story: http://www.videofitnesscoach.com

~ My new book: http://www.videohealthcoach.com/bookannouncement.html

~ Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/anitastone

~ Join my site! http://www.videohealthcoach.com/join.html

~ Be my Buddy on Team Beachbody! http://www.teambeachbody.com/fitnessusa

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Saturday, January 9, 2010

FITNESS Q & A - TOPIC: New Year's Resolutions

HAPPY NEW YEAR!  Click here for my New Year's gift for you!

Blog EntryFITNESS Q & A - TOPIC: New Year's Resolutions Jan 9, '10 11:02 AM
for everyone

Hi Tweeps, 

You are invited to attend my 


TOPIC: New Year's Resolutions

This public Twalk starts on Saturday, January 16, 2010 at 1:00 P.M. EST, 12 NOON CST, 11:00 A.M. MST, 10:00 A.M. PST.

(218) 548-9255 PIN# 1567

To join this Twalk, dial the number above or use your Twalkin iPhone App.

Bring your questions!

Click here for Twalk.in

Please re-tweet!  Here it is in 140 characters:

HEY YOU'RE INVITED! "Fitness Coach Q & A" Twalk http://twalk.in/t/zA Saturday, Jan. 16, 12Noon CST Topic-NewYearsResolutions RT @anitastone



1 Web Class Per Month, January through December 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
9:00pm - 11:00pm

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'The UltraSimple Diet: Kick-Start Your Metabolism http://bit.ly/7kYYQ5
'You: On A Diet' -- By Dr. OZ http://bit.ly/6P7say
'Superfast Weight Loss for Women' http://bit.ly/79uy5F
'Eat This, Not That! Thousands of Simple Food Swaps http://bit.ly/4M47RF

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Thursday, January 7, 2010


WAYNE DYER, Co-Author of my new book, "Wake Up Moments of Inspiration" shares this story:

No one can make you serve customers well....that's because great service is a choice.
Harvey Mackay, tells a wonderful story about a cab driver that proved this point. He was waiting in line for a ride at the airport.

When a cab pulled up, the first thing Harvey noticed was that the taxi was polished to a bright shine.. Smartly dressed in a white shirt, black tie, and freshly pressed black slacks, the cab driver jumped out and rounded the car to open the back passenger door for Harvey .
He handed my friend a laminated card and said: 'I'm Wally, your driver. While I'm loading your bags in the trunk I'd like you to read my mission statement.'

Taken aback, Harvey read the card.. It said: Wally's Mission Statement: To get my customers to their destination in the quickest, safest and cheapest way possible in a friendly environment.... This blew Harvey away. Especially when he noticed that the inside of the cab matched the outside. Spotlessly clean!

As he slid behind the wheel, Wally said, 'Would you like a cup of coffee? I have a thermos of regular and one of decaf.' My friend said jokingly, 'No, I'd prefer a soft drink.' Wally smiled and said, 'No problem. I have a cooler up front with regular and Diet Coke, water and orange juice..' Almost stuttering, Harvey said, 'I'll take a Diet Coke.'
Handing him his drink, Wally said, 'If you'd like something to read, I have The Wall Street Journal, Time, Sports Illustrated and USA Today..'

As they were pulling away, Wally handed my friend another laminated card, 'These are the stations I get and the music they play, if you'd like to listen to the radio.'
And as if that weren't enough, Wally told Harvey that he had the air conditioning on and asked if the temperature was comfortable for him. Then he advised Harvey of the best route to his destination for that time of day.

He also let him know that he'd be happy to chat and tell him about some of the sights or, if Harvey preferred, to leave him with his own thoughts...
'Tell me, Wally,' my amazed friend asked the driver, 'have you always served customers like this?'

Wally smiled into the rear view mirror. 'No, not always. In fact, it's only been in the last two years. My first five years driving, I spent most of my time complaining like all the rest of the cabbies do.

Then I heard the personal growth guru, Wayne Dyer, on the radio one day.
He had just written a book called You'll See It When You Believe It. Dyer said that if you get up in the morning expecting to have a bad day, you'll rarely disappoint yourself.. He said, 'Stop complaining! Differentiate yourself from your competition. Don't be a duck. Be an eagle. Ducks quack and complain. Eagles soar above the crowd.'

'That hit me right between the eyes,' said Wally. 'Dyer was really talking about me. I was always quacking and complaining, so I decided to change my attitude and become an eagle. I looked around at the other cabs and their drivers.. The cabs were dirty, the drivers were unfriendly, and the customers were unhappy. So I decided to make some changes. I put in a few at a time. When my customers responded well, I did more.'

'I take it that has paid off for you,' Harvey said.
'It sure has,' Wally replied. 'My first year as an eagle, I doubled my income from the previous year. This year I'll probably quadruple it.

You were lucky to get me today. I don't sit at cabstands anymore. My customers call me for appointments on my cell phone or leave a message on my answering machine. If I can't pick them up myself, I get a reliable cabbie friend to do it and I take a piece of the action.'
Wally was phenomenal. He was running a limo service out of a Yellow Cab.

I've probably told that story to more than fifty cab drivers over the years, and only two took the idea and ran with it. Whenever I go to their cities, I give them a call. The rest of the drivers quacked like ducks and told me all the reasons they couldn't do any of what I was suggesting.

Wally the Cab Driver made a different choice. He decided to stop quacking like ducks and start soaring like eagles.

A man reaps what he sows.

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up... let us do good to all people.

Ducks Quack, Eagles Soar.

Have a nice day, unless you already have other plans.

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Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Blog EntryWHICH FIBER FOODS SHOULD I EAT? Jan 6, '10 12:10 AM
for everyone

Fiber has many health benefits, from lowering cholesterol levels to keeping you feeling full longer. Find out which high-fiber foods to add to your diet.


If you're trying to diet and finding it too tough to restrict calories because you're always starving, fiber may be just what you're lacking. "It keeps you feeling fuller for longer," says Sandra Meyerowitz, MPH, RD, a nutritionist and owner of Nutrition Works in Louisville, Ky. "You don't get as hungry as quickly, so it helps when somebody's trying to cut back on calories."

Fiber and weight-loss

Fiber is a carbohydrate, but unlike other carbohydrates, it doesn't get broken down by your body, says Meyerowitz.

Simple carbohydrates, continues Meyerowitz, don't offer the same filling benefits. "With fiber added in, you're more satisfied. Fiber doesn't make the blood sugar go up quite as quickly. It allows the sugar to get into your system more slowly," she explains.

Beyond being a diet aid, there are many health benefits of fiber, including:

  • Lowering cholesterol levels
  • Improving digestion
  • Reducing diabetes risk
  • Improving heart health
  • Reducing constipation
  • Reducing the risk of diverticulitis (inflammation of the intestines)
  • Maintaining steady control of blood sugar

Fiber in the Diet: Where to Find Fiber

Fiber is always found in edible plant materials and in the healthiest foods, like whole grains as well as fruits and vegetables. There are two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. "They act differently in your body when they're being processed,â Meyerowitz explains. âSoluble fiber can be somewhat dissolved by water; insoluble fiber can't."

It's best that you get the fiber you need each day from foods in your diet rather than supplements.

Most people need between 20 and 35 grams of fiber each day. Some good fiber-rich food choices are:

  • Whole-grain breads, cereals, and pastas
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Brown rice
  • Dried beans
  • Oatmeal
  • Popcorn
Getting fiber is great, but don't suddenly jump on the fiber bandwagon and ramp up your intake all at once. Take it slowly, and gradually increase your fiber each day to prevent side effects like diarrhea, abdominal pain, bloating, and gas.

Fiber in the Diet: Smart Choices

Now that you know what foods are fiber-rich and good for you, it's time to start finding ways to work them into your daily meals and snacks. Try these tips to get more fiber every day:

  • Have oatmeal or whole-grain cereal for breakfast; top with some fresh fruit.
  • Eat fruits and veggies raw and with skins for more fiber (if appropriate).
  • Snack on fruitsâ dried or fresh is fine.
  • Have bulgur, barley, or couscous as a side dish.
  • Munch on popcorn when you need a snack.
  • Switch to brown rice from white rice.
  • Replace white pasta with whole-wheat pasta in your favorite dish.
  • Add vegetables to pastas and other dishes.
  • Get a minimum of 2 cups of fruit and 2.5 cups of veggies every day. Choose those highest in fiber like pears, berries, apples, spinach, sweet potatoes, and peas.
  • Have a bran muffin for breakfast or a snack.

Fiber is filling, delicious, and one of the healthiest things you can eat. There are a lot of easy and tasty ways to make fiber a big part of every day, and you'll quickly reap the health benefits.

It's a simple way to feel full, be fit, and get your body into a healthy shape.

Last Updated: 09/22/2009
2010 EverydayHealth
By Diana Rodriguez
Medically reviewed by Pat F. Bass III, MD, MPHv

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