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Saturday, October 31, 2009



Blog Entry HAPPY HEALTH-OWEEN Oct 31, '09 11:36 AM
for everyone

Halloween.... A holiday that puts joy into the hearts of children and terror into the hearts of dieters. Is it the result of the tiny little costumes we are supposed to be wearing or the abundance of junk food that infiltrates our lives? Perhaps a little of each. Also, it might be that Halloween is the gateway holiday to dieting disaster. For many of us, it begins with trick-or-treat, and finally ends with a New Year's Day hangover and five extra pounds. Since avoiding sugary goodness for three months is virtually impossible, how can you approach the weeks of mini-candy bars, Halloween parties, and alcohol-abounding punch? Here are some "tricks" that might actually keep Halloween Horror in the movies, and off of your thighs.

Pumpkin Candles

  1. Make wise choices. We've already established that you will probably not avoid all contact with candy this holiday, so know exactly what you are choosing when you reach into that jack-o'-lantern. One mini-candy bar has around 80 calories in it, between 3 and 5 grams of fat, and is so small that just one would not satisfy 99 percent of the population. Some wiser choices, for around 50 calories, include:
    • Hershey's KissesTwo Hershey's Kisses
    • Two Dum-Dum lollipops
    • Three Mini-Tootsie Rolls
    • One Nerds mini-box
    • Ten pieces of candy corn
    • Two small Laffy Taffys
    • Two Jolly Ranchers
    • One Junior Mints mini-box
    • One Mike-n-Ike mini-box
    • One small York Peppermint Patty
    We realize that the difference between 50 to 80 calories seems rather negligible, but as most of us might indulge in more than one serving over the holiday, those calories can really add up.
  2. Eat before attending a party. This is an age-old dieting trick, but one that is extremely effective. It is tempting to indulge in sweet treats when faced with a table full of them. It is even worse when you haven't eaten since lunch and your workout has left you completely depleted. Consuming a healthy meal, snack, or even a meal replacement like SHAKEOLOTY can keep hunger at bay and your hands off the devil's food cake.
  3. Choose a costume that shows off your accomplishments. There is a belief that Halloween is an excuse for women to dress inappropriately, and for men to show off their muscles. And why not? This is in no way a suggestion that you attend an event in a Speedo or bikini, but something a little sexy, in a safe environment, that shows off all of your hours with P90X can be the perfect motivation to avoid overeating. Most of us respond better to short-term, tangible goals, and wearing the Spider-Man costume without the built-in abs is certainly attainable. So be a little daring one night, and save the costume for future motivation.
  4. Work out before attending an event. Many studies have been done that conclude we tend to eat less, and absorb less of the bad stuff when we do, after a good workout. Also, the rush of endorphins tends to make us a bit happier, which means we don't seek joy in the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. A really intense INSANITY workout just before the big party might save you countless more to undo the damage.
  5. Avoid the punch bowl. For some reason, there is always a bowl of sherbet-stuffed punch around at Halloween. Perhaps it is the festive orange color, or the fact it mixes nicely with vodka? Regardless, run in the opposite direction. One serving can equal a couple hundred calories and send your blood sugar levels through the roof. Always stick to beverages that you can determine a calorie count for, and preferably, those that have few or no calories.
  6. Try the "two-to-one" theory. When out on the town, my friends and I used to employ the strategy that for every alcoholic beverage we consumed, we had to follow it up with two glasses of water. Why not try this for sugary snacks at parties? For every mini-candy bar you consume, follow it up with two veggies. All of the fiber will help fill you up fast, and following up a Milky Way with broccoli is really not so appealing. It could help you eat less, or maybe just stick to the broccoli.
  7. Host your own event. If you simply can't say no to Halloween goodies at a party, host your own and take control of what is on the table. Low-fat brownies, cookies, and even cakes taste incredibly similar to the full-fat version, but will leave less residual damage. Choose from the selection of candies we suggested above, serve air-popped popcorn, and make a light punch with diet sherbet that everyone will enjoy. And don't forget the fruit and veggie platters. Also, taking the focus off food with a scary movie or some fun games can often make the party much more enjoyable. After all, we stand around, talk to people, and eat every day. Why not try to make your event a little bit different?
  8. Get rid of the evidence. For those of you who hate to waste, this might be a difficult one. But however you do it, get rid of ALL of the trick-or-treat candy the following day. If you work in an office, set it out in the lunchroom. If you work from home, anonymously mail it to your high school enemy. It is too hard to say no to a bowl of Snickers bars, especially after a rough day, if they are sitting in a cabinet calling your name. Most of us will not get in a car to go buy candy, but if it is there, we will eat it. Just get it out of the house as quickly as you can.
  9. Don't forget the parents. When you're handing out treats on trick-or-treat night, it's a great time to treat some of the parents in your neighborhood with a packet of SHAKEOLOGY or a P90X PROTEIN BAR to give them the energy for a long night of going door to door with their little goblins. Then you can wish them a Happy Health-oween!
    Halloween is only one night, so don't make it your gateway to a gluttonous holiday season. Instead, use it as a motivator for looking great! Holidays can be the very best time of the year, even on a diet and fitness plan. Just remember how it will feel when, at that Christmas party, everyone comments on how great you look. That will make any holiday seem a lot less frightening.                  By Stephanie Saunders
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Blog Entry BEACHBODY INTRODUCES "REV ABS" Oct 31, '09 11:43 AM
for everyone
If you will commit to exercising, it's not all that difficult to ensure that your core is sound. Functional trainers love to use the word balance. And not just in regards to standing on a wobbly board. Balance in both your life and how you exercise will help you center yourself in more ways than one. 
Beachbody's new program, REV ABS, will help create the best abs you can possibly have! 
Here are a few tips to ensure you're getting to the core of your workouts.
  • Work your entire body. Whatever your workout program is, make sure it works on everything. Not just your core but your arms, legs, hands, and feet. Everything is connected to your core, like branches of a tree. Whatever workout program you choose should, at least a little bit, stress every muscle in your body. No one with an overweight body has ripped abs. It can't happen.
  • Periodize your training. No matter how great your routine is, change it sometimes. Using various programs helps you work different muscles and create new engrams (neuromuscular brain patterns), which results in keeping your body balanced.
  • Teigh and GillianDo some yoga or Pilates. Even if you hate it. Yoga, particularly, is the oldest functional training program there is. You don't need to do Shiva the destroyer's Power Yoga program. The basic old-school movements will be plenty to round out your workouts. Or for a fun yoga workout, try YOGA BOOTY BALLET.
  • Do some balance work. These workouts can be hard, mentally taxing, and kind of boring. But you don't need to spend 45 minutes balancing on one leg under a skateboard on top of a golf ball to see results. Just sitting on a balance ball at your desk is very helpful. Any balance work is better than none.
  • Alter your crunch. You can still crunch and, of course, you still need to work all of your midsection muscles. A simple balance element, like lifting your legs as you crunch, turns an isolation ab movement into a core movement. Keeping your legs off the ground, and straight, contracts something called your transversus abdominis (TVA). This is the muscle responsible for holding your gut in (another good TVA exercise is simply sucking your belly button in as far as you can). You'll start recognizing variations of these movements by staying present, aware, and observing life, which is another good exercise. Or you can do crunches with a Squishy Ball, as in the YOGA BOOTY BALLET programs.
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Blog Entry 5 WAYS TO GET GREAT ABS FASTER.... Oct 31, '09 12:04 PM
for everyone

No matter what your age, body type, or fitness level, we're pretty sure one of your main workout goals is to improve your abs. And why not? A flat midsection, with or without a visible six-pack, is the ultimate symbol of being fit and lean. (And yes, it looks great at the beach.) But it's not just a matter of vanityâa strong core helps stabilize your entire body. That's why every BEACHBODY WORKOUT PROGRAM includes a variety of ab-tightening exercises.

Still, whatever you're doing to get fit, there's always room for improvement where the core is concerned. Here are five tips to help you to get those great abs faster than ever:

  1. Work your entire core. Your "core," the trunk muscles of your abdomen, lower back, and pelvis, is a whole system that supports your body as you stand up straight, perform everyday activities, and work out. And it's important to strengthen all these muscles, not just the rectus abdominis (the main "six-pack" muscles targeted by crunches). At the very least, you should strengthen the spinal erectors of the lower back to balance out your abs, which will help your posture and reduce the risk of back pain. Think of total-core training as increasing your functional fitnessâmeaning you won't just look better, but you'll also be able to do things better too. P90X'S CORE SYNERGISTICS WORKOUT AND CHALEAN EXTREME'S EXTREME ABS workouts are great examples of complete core workouts.
  2. ChaLEAN Extreme®Take it slow. When you're doing crunches or other ab-focused exercises, it's easy to speed up and lose proper form, especially when you start to get tired. Either you let momentum carry you through much of the movement or you pull yourself up with your back and shoulders. But you'll get the most benefit (and the least chance of injury) from your workout if you concentrate on measured, controlled movements. And keep the abdominals contracted the entire time. After all, they're the ones that should be doing the work. (Doing some Pilates-style movementsâlike CHALAN EXTREME'S PILATES ROLLUP, in which you lift your upper body to a count of 8âis a good way to train yourself to slow it down.) When you can't do any more reps with the proper form, it's time to stop.
  3. Don't overdo it. If you really want great abs, you may be tempted to grind out crunch after crunch to the exclusion of other exercises, or to do more ab-centered workouts than your fitness program recommends. But directly working your abs too often can do more harm than good. Like any muscle, the abdominals need to recover between workouts. If you find you aren't improving the number of reps you can do or the amount of weight you can handle, that's a sign that you're overtraining, and you need to cut back.
  4. Don't neglect the rest of your body. The more you work your entire body, the better it is for your abs. In fact, just about any full-body or compound movement, from push-ups to squats to deadlifts, takes a lot of ab effort. (That's the whole point behind programs like HIP HOP ABS AND REV ABSâ¢, which give you great core results without focusing on crunches.) What's more, working your full body will burn many more calories and raise your metabolism, which is important, because you also need to . . .
  5. Woman with Measuring Tape and AppleLose the fat to make your abs flat. No matter how much you strengthen your abdominal muscles, the only way to get a flat midsection is to lose body fat. That's going to require a diet that's high in protein and fiber, low in simple carbs, and full of bulky, nutrient-dense foods that keep you full with fewer caloriesâand of course, plenty of water. If you're on a meal plan associated with a particular workout, make sure you're really following it and not fudging here and there. (Keeping a food diary can help.) When you combine an effective full-body workout with a proper diet, getting the flat abs you've always wanted is just a matter of time.   By Ben Kallen
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Blog Entry LEAN FOR LIFE FOOD PLAN Oct 31, '09 12:12 PM
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Chalene JohnsonLean phasing in ChaLEAN Extreme has its place in the eating plan, too. As you progress through the Burn, Push, and Lean phases of your workouts, you need to fuel your body with the right foods in the proper proportions for each stage of muscle building and fat burning. You need protein for muscle, bone, and tissue growth, and healthy carbohydrates and heart-smart fats to supply you with the energy and nutrients you need to Get Extreme! But don't worryâChalene's got you covered. Besides packing her Fat-Burning Food Guide with tips and eating guidelines to help you form lifelong healthy eating habits, she's included over 80 delicious recipes that are simple to prepare and laid out for you in an easy-to-follow plan that you can customize for your caloric needs. Here's a sneak peek at what's insideâa scrumptious lunch recipe and a light chicken dish for dinner. Buh-bye to the days of fat-filled fast food. As Chalene says, "Nothing tastes as good as lean feels!"

Cajun Fish TacosCajun Fish Tacos

  • 5-oz. fish filet, any type of white flaky fish
  • Cajun seasoning
  • 4 leaves butterleaf  or Boston lettuce
  • 1/2 cup cabbage, shredded
  • 1/4 cup reduced-fat cheddar cheese, shredded
  • 1 plum tomato, diced
  • 1/3 cup canned black beans, rinsed of brine
  • 1/4 cup store-bought salsa
Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Coat fish with Cajun seasoning, place onto a baking pan, and bake for 12 to 18 minutes or until done. Drain excess juice and transfer to clean plate before cooling. Wrap fish in lettuce leaves with cabbage, cheese, and tomatoes. Serve with a side of black beans and salsa.
Calories: 368  Protein: 50 g  Carbs: 24 g
Fiber: 8 g  Fat Total: 11 g


Chicken BruschettaChicken Bruschetta

  • 5-oz. boneless, skinless chicken breast, butterflied
  • 1 tsp. onion powder
  • 1 tsp. chili powder
  • 1 tsp. olive oil
  • 1 plum tomato, diced
  • 2 Tbsp. fresh basil, thinly sliced
  • 1 tsp. garlic, minced
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 2 cups steamed green beans
Season chicken with onion powder and chili powder, and grill or broil with olive oil until done, about 4 to 5 minutes per side. To make bruschetta, combine tomatoes, basil, and minced garlic, and season with salt and pepper to taste. Top chicken with the bruschetta and serve with steamed green beans.
Calories: 377  Protein: 48 g  Carbs: 22 g
Fiber: 3 g  Fat Total: 10 g

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Blog Entry "TURBO JAM" AND CHALENE JOHNSON Oct 31, '09 12:20 PM
for everyone

Where was Chalene Johnson born? Chalene Johnson was born and raised in Michigan. She credits her mother, one of the first "Jazzercize" instructors in Michigan, as her greatest inspiration. She and her younger sister went to their mother's classes and changed the records for her between routines. You can see Jenelle in ChaLEAN Extreme, following her sister's moves and continuing their mother's passion for fitness and good health.

  1. What was Chalene's first Beachbody program? Turbo Jam. Turbo Jam  launched in August 2005 and quickly became the #1, best-selling infomercial on TV. Today, there are thousands of hardcore Turbo fans all over the world. It's even been translated into Japanese!
  2. Gayle KingChalene flew to New York City to be interviewed on Gayle's show, part of the Oprah and Friends XM radio network, in October. If you know anything about Oprah Winfrey, you know that Gayle is her very best friend. Turns out, Gayle has been exercising with Turbo Jam since the summer of 2007, and recently got Oprah to do some Turbo workouts while they were on the Obama campaign trail.
  3. How many "Elite" signature moves are there in Turbo Jam? Eleven. The moves target your core and abs and are inspired by dance and martial arts, two of Chalene's lifelong interests. Each one targets a specific muscle group or body part to strengthen and sculpt your physique, and promote overall balance and core strength.
  4. Chalene JohnsonHow much body fat can you burn in 3 months on the ChaLEAN Extreme program? Up to 60 percent! By building lean muscle mass, you increase your metabolism and burn fat even after your workout. You lose fat and inches and get tighter and more toned because Muscle needs energy, which makes you BURN Fat! By Jude Buglewicz
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